Tag Archives: winter

Fall to Winter Wear: 3 Ways

Today I want to talk about how to transition some of your favourite fall pieces to your winter wardrobe. As everyone who lives in colder climates knows, it can be difficult to switch from light sweaters to the more heavy duty knits that winter can require. Here are three tips to help you get the most out of your fall wear before parka weather sets back in.


To help get a few more weeks out of your favourite leather or cargo jacket, layer a few of your fall favourites to help combat the chill. The denim shirt that you rocked as your cover up all through summer now doubles as a great button up, and layering piece for an open knit. By mixing pieces from your winter and fall wardrobe, you can help ease your wardrobe into the colder months.


In addition to adding colour, texture, and pattern to an outfit, scarves are a practical way to stay warm (I know right – who knew?!) Mixing some of your winter scarves with your fall jacket will help you hit a seasonally appropriate note and will also help keep you warm without reaching for some of your thicker jackets just yet. For those who favour leather fall jackets like myself, I’ve been loving the look of cable knit with leather, the two textures really play nicely off each other.

Hats are another great way to add some extra flair to your outfit and switch up your daily look. I’ve been loving beanies because they pull a double duty – keeping the ears toasty and looking fashionable.

Darker Lipsticks

A dark lip can help any look become more seasonally appropriate. One of my drugstore favourite’s is Revlon’s Dark Cherry Lipstick. The deep colour fits right in with fall and winter palettes, and can help you find the perfect place for that plain white shirt you’ve been wearing all summer and fall in this seasons wardrobe.

How do you transition your wardrobe from fall to winter? Let me know in the comments below!